Wednesday, November 19, 2008

STC, Christmas ride, Loretta Lynn and my mom

Let's see...

On November 8th, Summer and I competed in an Supreme Trail Challenge. It was okay. I wasn't to fond of the way the P&R's were done. But again, that is why we have so many different types of trail competitions to choose from. Her first two P&R's were horrid. She was not held, but they were high. However, on a good note, I know why they were high. Excitement at the first one and a HUGE spook right before the second one. The third one was right on and good.

We didn't place, but I wasn't looking too. I was there because they needed entries and I wanted to see my friends.

I was tired too. Mentally and physically. We had just done the NATRC Last Chance ride the weekend prior. I usually take the weekend after a NATRC ride off and spend with my family. I may pleasure ride, but no competing. So I was just pooped.

Summer is enjoying her time off. She is being worked, but it is ground work. And I am working on re-bonding with her. All this competing seems to have fractured our bond. I know that sounds odd, but I can tell.

She will be competing at the Christmas ride, but Barbara Cooper will be riding her. I am not chasing points this year, so Barb is competing in Novice Lightweight. Once again I am a little nervous about letting someone else ride her. Barb has never ridden her and she has never ridden a gaited horse. However, I trust Barb if Summer starts to act silly. I have watched as her horse Roc has had little fits and such and Barb was real patient with him.

This next weekend I am taking my mom and Amanda to see Loretta Lynn in concert at Billy Bob's. My mom is so excited. I am going to take them to eat in the stock yards Saturday and maybe shopping then walk back to Billy Bob's for the concert. We have never done this before and I can put it in the same memory file as our trail riding day together. Maybe I can get her and Amanda out there this Sunday for a trail ride. That would be fun!

Okay, gotta go.


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