Summer is officially retired from sorting. When I told her, I think she smiled. It was weird. : )
I wrote about that Sunday in my last blog about how well we did at practice. Then I used her for our lesson that next Saturday and we did very well. Any screw up was complete rider error.
But after that practice and that lesson, I knew I had to have her. I just didn't know how. But again, I posted in my last blog all about that.
I do have to say, that I am so blessed to be married to such a supportive husband in my horse ventures. Thank you babe!
Last Wednesday, James wanted me to do 3 practice runs on her at the arena. We did great. I ran with Robin and we got 7 head. I then ran with Mike. He was still hurting after the tumble he took at our past Saturday's lesson and told me he would be the reason we wouldn't do good during this run we were about to do. Well, it was me that screwed up. I told him I did it on purpose to take the pressure off of him. LOL My third run was with Anthony, Robin's husband. We got 9 head. I felt Shelby and I were ready for the following Saturday's SWTPA show.
Saturday, show time.
We didn't place. We didn't even have any short goes. But you know what. I was totally happy with our performance. And so was James.
Our first run was with Katy. We only got 3 head. And it wasn't for the lack of trying. Katy went after our forth head and she just couldn't get it to separate from 2 of it's friends.
My second was with Connie and a cow snuck right past her in the hole.
My third was with a draw. I told him I was on a new horse but she was well trained and he pushed the good cow and one trash at me to hard and fast and they just wouldn't turn away when Shelby and I went at them. Bust.
I then stayed until the final class. 6 sort with Robin.
My draw was a very nice man and a good sorter. But when I brought him my good cow, a trash cow went way around him. I thought he had pushed it off, but it doubled back and went in. Bust
Robin and I did our best. Our herd had a steer in it that was just giving everybody a fit. He knew the game and knew that if he was in the other pen, he didn't have to be chased. I told Robin, we will do this slow and not rile him up. I think we got 5 head before he "woke up". Robin was bringing the good and 1 trash cow. The steer #8 started coming the other way. I was hollering and fighting him off when both cows Robin was bringing went in. Bust. But that was a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation. Robin and I talked about what to do next time if that ever happens again. She will pull her cows off of me, take the pushy cow away, then go sort her good cow again. Sounds like a plan! If we can remember that. LOL