Monday, December 31, 2007

Been 10 days since I posted!

I am still alive and kicking. Last Friday night (Dec 21st) I went and drove my friends carriage for a Christmas light tour for 3 hours. It was real nice, weather was perfect and I made some extra Christmas money. Saturday night I drove for her again and regretted it Sunday morning. It was soooo cold and I got so sick and as of today, haven't completely gotten over it. I couldn't believe the folks that made the reservations didn't cancel. Oh well, it's over and I just know I can't do that again. I was on vacation Christmas week and was sick, that sucked!

As for Christmas, we had a nice one. My daughter got everything she wanted. During Christmas she likes being an only child. She gets extra spoiled! I got what I wanted and more. I got my camera docking station to print pictures and such, clothes, horsey stuff, dvds, and more. So I had a good one. My Chihuahua, Tigger, had a good Christmas. She got a new purse thingy that I can carry her in when we go places. It is one of the nicer ones. (she loves an type of kennel or crate and will get very excited if she sees one) so of course she loved her gift. Plus she got a new bone, collar, and toy. Yes, I buy my animals Christmas gifts. My bulldog Libby got a new bed and a big bag of bones and Summer got a bunch of treats and a new halter and lead rope (like she needed another one).

My parents came over Christmas day. I was dreading it for they have been threatening divorce for the past several weeks. At my age I am okay with it. Whatever it takes for them to quit fighting. After dinner, we watched my favorite video, Jeff Dunham's Spark of Insanity. Both my parents laughed so hard. My mom laughed so hard she was crying. They went out the next day and bought it. It was good to see them laughing. I just pray that whatever they decide to do will bring peace into the family.

I lunged Summer last night and saw a few head nods. But with her being barefoot, I expected it. So I need to get a farrier out this weekend and get shoes put back on her. She is happy and spunky and I believe has enjoyed her month off. I hope she has, because we start working this coming weekend if she has shoes back on. Even if she doesn't have shoes, my vet told me to ride her anyway but to just keep her off rocky areas.

Also a quick note on being a one horse owner. I am loving it!!! It is so easy to come out and clean one pen. If I just want to feed and leave, it doesn't take 20 minutes, I am in and out in less than 5 minutes now. I get to see Hank and Chompers every day and I can still play with them if I want, so I think it was a win-win situation for all.

Well, that was my week, hope your's was a blessed one too.

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